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Learn more about UNIMEV
UNIMEV, Union Française des Métiers de l'Evénement, is the only professional organization in France representing all those involved in professional meetings: organizers of trade fairs, exhibitions, congresses and events, venue managers and service providers. It has over 400 members, representing 85% of the sector's activity in value terms, whom it represents in dealings with public authorities, professional bodies, the press and the general public.
UNIMEV aims to :
Promote the use of professional events,
Promote the creation of an enabling environment,
Defend the interests of industry players
Develop services offered to members to support their activities, growth and professionalization.
UNIMEV has partnered with Kabaun to develop CLEO Carbone, a carbon measurement platform for all event industry professionals.
Whether you want to conduct a carbon footprint assessment, implement an action plan, track your progress, or communicate your results, CLEO Carbone guides you at every step.

Quentin Balblanc
Responsable Développement Durable