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European Green Deal: Building a sustainable future for Europe"

Dernière mise à jour : 2 juil.

In the face of the climate emergency and with the aim of collectively addressing the major challenges of ecological transition, the European Union countries have agreed on a common strategy to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The principles of this strategy are ratified in the European Green Deal, which includes action plans for more sustainable food systems, circular economy, enhanced biodiversity protection, and decarbonization of the energy sector.

What are the objectives of the European Green Deal?

The European Green Deal was first presented to the European Commission in December 2019. By signing the deal, the 27 member states committed to a series of proposals to adapt their environmental policies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels. The primary challenge of the Green Deal is to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent, with a carbon neutrality target set for 2050 and an intermediate goal for 2030. The Green Deal sets out the overarching principles that all future legislation must adhere to and also leads to the revision of existing legislation on energy efficiency and environmental protection in line with these common principles and objectives. As a result, the Green Deal establishes the foundation for a series of new environmental regulations and fosters the integration of sustainability across all EU policies, including education, research, and investments.


Key milestones of the European Green Deal

The European climate law

Following the presentation of the European Green Deal by the European Commission under the leadership of Ursula von der Leyen, a proposal was made in March 2020 to incorporate the objective of climate neutrality by 2050 into European climate law. The intermediate target of 55% reduction in net emissions by 2030 was also proposed by the Commission and approved by the leaders in December 2020. A political agreement was reached in April 2021 for the climate law, which came into effect in June 2021.

Fit for 55: Legislative package on climate

On July 14, 2021, the Commission presented a package of proposals to achieve the 2030 targets, known as "Fit for 55." This climate package includes 12 legislative proposals affecting all economic sectors to achieve the 55% GHG emission reduction target by 2030. Fit for 55 encompasses various measures, including but not limited to:

  • Strengthening the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) by limiting greenhouse gas emissions from energy-intensive industrial sectors.

  • Introducing a carbon border tax for the most polluting imported products.

  • Increasing carbon sinks through the planting of 3 billion trees.

  • Accelerating decarbonization efforts in the construction and automotive industries.

The New European Bauhaus

In September 2021, the Commission introduced the concept of the New European Bauhaus, aimed at accelerating the transformation of various sectors to promote reduced carbon footprint and more sustainable waste management. Based on the principles of the original Bauhaus cultural movement initiated by architect Walter Gropius between the two World Wars, the New European Bauhaus adds a cultural and creative dimension to the European Green Deal, aspiring to define a new way of living. The New European Bauhaus revolves around three pillars: sustainability, inclusion, and aesthetics.

Key components of the European Green Deal

The European Green Deal is built around a sustainability dynamic. It aims to reduce GHG emissions, combat energy poverty, decrease external energy dependencies, improve citizens' health and well-being, and stimulate growth. It encompasses several key components with objectives concerning transportation, energy management, construction methods, and biodiversity.

Transitioning to sustainable transportation

The shift towards sustainable mobility is a critical environmental concern. The Green Deal sets targets for reducing emissions from new cars, including a 55% reduction in CO2 emissions from new cars and a 50% reduction from new light commercial vehicles by 2030, with the ultimate goal of zero-emission new vehicles by 2050. One of the flagship measures is the discontinuation of the sale of new thermal engine vehicles from 2035 onwards. T

The use of sustainable and cleaner fuels for the maritime and aviation sectors is also expected to increase. To support this transition, the EU adopted the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulation (AFIR) in July 2023, which aims to accelerate infrastructure deployment for alternative fuels. This regulation sets an ambitious goal of installing 3.5 million public charging points for electric vehicles by 2030.

Making European industry a champion of carbon neutrality

By increasing the use of renewable energies and electrifying the economy, Europe aims to foster new technologies and create new markets. The Green Deal Industrial Plan comprises four parts: establishing a regulatory framework to facilitate the rapid deployment of green sectors, providing faster access to financing, developing the necessary skills, and promoting open and fair trade.

This industrial plan also aims to strengthen the resilience of European supply chains, particularly for the critical raw materials needed for the green transition. Additionally, the EU has set an ambitious target of producing 40% of the clean technologies it requires within its territory by 2030, to reduce dependence on imports and create local jobs in green sectors.

Implementing energy transition

Achieving GHG reduction targets necessitates both increased energy efficiency and a higher share of renewable energies. The Green Deal aims for 42.5% of renewable energy in Europe's energy mix by 2030 (compared to around 22% today) and a 36% to 39% reduction in energy consumption. The European Union focuses on diversifying its energy mix by promoting clean energy sources.

Rethinking buildings

The renovation of public buildings and housing, supported by the Social Climate Fund, has a triple objective: energy savings, combating energy poverty, and job creation. By 2030, the Green Deal foresees the creation of over 160,000 green jobs in the construction sector and the renovation of 35 million buildings.

The European Union has launched an initiative called the "Renovation Wave" to accelerate the energy-efficient renovation of buildings. This strategy aims to double the annual rate of energy renovations for existing buildings over the next ten years.

Resource management and biodiversity protection

The European Green Deal sets new targets for natural carbon sequestration by proposing a 15% increase in carbon sinks. New criteria are also being established to promote more sustainable management of natural resources, including forestry operations. The European Parliament recently adopted the "Nature Restoration Law" in its first reading, aiming to restore at least 30% of damaged terrestrial and marine ecosystems by 2030 and 90% by 2050.

The Green Deal also emphasizes reducing the use of chemical pesticides by 50% by 2030, thereby contributing to the preservation of biodiversity and the protection of pollinators.

Driving global ecological transition

Combating climate change requires global action. In this context, Europe positions itself not only as a pioneering continent but also as a driver of change. Internationally, the EU and its member states contribute one-third of public funding for the fight against climate change. This international dimension is one of the essential pillars of the European Green Deal. The EU is committed to leveraging its diplomacy, trade policy, and development cooperation to promote ambitious climate actions on a global scale.

The European Green Deal on the global stage

The Green Deal positions the European Union as a global leader in the fight against climate change. With its ambitious goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030, the EU stands out prominently among other major economic countries. For instance, the United States aims to reduce its emissions by 50-52% by 2030, while China has committed to achieving carbon neutrality only by 2060.

The influence of the European Green Deal on global climate policies is already evident. The EU leverages its economic and diplomatic weight to encourage other countries to adopt more ambitious climate targets. The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), a flagship measure of the European Green Deal, could prompt the EU's trading partners to strengthen their environmental policies to remain competitive in the European market. Moreover, by demonstrating that a transition to a green economy is feasible and beneficial, the EU inspires other nations to follow suit, thereby reinforcing its role as a leader in global climate governance.


The European Green Deal sets a framework and objectives for a common policy on sustainable development in Europe. In 2023, several major texts of the Green Deal were voted on by the European Parliament, including those related to the reform of the carbon market, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (carbon fairness measure), and the climate social fund. The Commission has also put forward new proposals, such as measures to decarbonize the freight transport sector.

Alongside the measures concerning the circular economy, issues related to reducing packaging waste have also been addressed. All proposals presented by the European Commission must be examined by both the Parliament and the Council before reaching a possible consensus. This legislative process can be particularly lengthy due to the diverse energy policies and economic interests of the 27 member states.

The European Green Deal is an ambitious plan aimed at making Europe the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050.

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Theo Owen
Theo Owen
Jul 25

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